Rabat American School (RAS) is a private, nonprofit institution operated by the Rabat American School Association (RASA). Its purpose is to provide for the education of dependents of US government personnel and also, at the discretion of the Board of Trustees, for educating the students of other nations and Moroccan citizens who wish to educate their students in accordance with American and international school standards of education.
Parents become members of the Association automatically when their children are enrolled in school and their tuition and fees are paid. Teachers and members of the Administration are automatically members when they assume their functions in school.
The Association is managed by the General Assembly, the Board of Trustees and the Director.
The General Meeting consists of all full members. The membership meets in a regular Annual General Meeting (AGM) once a year. The General Meeting deliberates and takes decisions when at least 35% of full members attend. Your commitment as a member is of vital importance to the school community. We invite and encourage all members to vote for the Board of Trustees and/or Constitution amendments. Each Association member has one vote. This vote is counted to determine the 35% quorum.
The management of Rabat American School is vested in a Board of Trustees of nine voting members, which by statute will consist of a majority of American citizens and a minimum of three non-Americans, of whom one must be a Moroccan citizen and one must be non-American, non-Moroccan. Six members are elected by the General Assembly and three members are appointed by the Board.
In addition to the nine voting members, the Honorary trustee, the Director, a representative of the Ambassador of the United States, a Moroccan Special Designate, a representative of Rabat American School Teachers' Association (RASTA), and a representative of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) serve as ex-officio members without voting rights.
The Board of Trustees looks after the long-term well-being of the school, plans for the future so that RAS can continue to follow its mission and vision, makes sure that RAS complies with its own policies and with Moroccan law, and is responsible for the financial health of the school.
A hard copy of the Rabat American School Policy Manual is located in the Learning Commons and is available as an e-document in schoology.